In the context of EUROPA VERSCHIEBEN | PREMIKAJMO EVROPO | MUOVIAMO L'EUROPA, the Lost Populus Garden will tell the corresponding migration story of the both the trembling poplar (topol in Slovene), and the Slovene minority of the village of Topolò/Topolove, which is named after this tree. Due to a complex history, the majority of it’s inhabitants have left.
The garden will be situated on the terrace landscape of the village, around a series of decayed structures, which might have housed Topolò’s first inhabitants. In this garden the topol trees will be reintroduced, which have disappeared over time, just like the inhabitants. These topoli tremble in the wind, which make them sound as if whispering. The topol trees will tell the story of the Slovene minority who used to live in Topolò/Topolove.
»We propose to clear the overgrown terraced landscape and plant 10 new trembling poplars. From the wood we collect during the clearing we intend to make nutritious charcoal in traditional mud ovens, to cover the soil around the newly planted trees. To encourage reintroduction of the use of this place, we will reinstate a water infrastructure to serve the land, a small subtle fireplace and residing area.« (Studio Wild)
Populus, the scientific Latin name (female) for poplar tree; in Latin Populus (male) means both poplar tree and people.

Concept & Realization: Jesse van der Ploeg, Tymon Hogenelst (NL)
History and Stories: Tomasso Chiarandini (IT)
Music: Giorgio Parisi
Co-Curator: Moreno Miorelli – Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove (IT)